Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Field Trip #4: Corkscrew Swamp

Our field trip to the Corkscrew Swamp was very interesting. Upon arrival we learned how sanctuary filters its own water for use in the facilities toilets and to water the plants. I found this to be very interesting. We began our trip by splitting up into two groups and going our separate ways. On our journey we saw a snake it a tree, a hawk, and a water spider. As we made our way through the swamp we discussed the cypress trees and were constantly on the lookout for alligators. Halfway through our walk we were able to go up on the observation deck which reminded me of the movie "The Lion King." Although the weather was extremely warm, I fell that I took a lot away from this trip. As a group, we discussed topics such as our own experiences with alligators and Professor Davis shared her experience with a Florida Panther. All in all, I enjoyed this trip and appreciate the smaller group setting.

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